Remembring Christina Grof: 1941 – 2014
Remembering Christina Grof, 1941-2014
The Association for Holotropic Breathwork International has announced the passing of Christina Groff. Christina, along with her husband, Stanislav Grof, helped to develop Holotropic breathwork as a technique for reaching altered states, and was one of the founders of the association. The Association for Holotropic Breathwork International promotes professional and ethical practices governing Holotropic Breathwork.
First developed as an offshoot of Grof’s work with psychadelic drugs, Holotropic Breathwork is intended as an approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. Since its development in the 1980’s thousands of people have done courses of breathwork therapy or trained to be practioners. Christine and her husband led thousands of workshops, training sessions and lectures.
In lieu of flowers, Christina asked that people should instead “make a donation in her name to organizations that feed people, support abused children, or offer some other philanthropic help.”
Click here to read more, or to contribute to her memorial: