Science, Being, & Becoming by Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.

Science, Being, & Becoming is a remarkable glimpse into the spiritual lives of scientists and academics. Filled with inspiring first hand accounts of transformative metaphysical and mystical experiences, this book upends the notion that science has no place for the spiritual. Indeed, the author, Paul J.Mills, Ph.D., makes a strong argument that science needs to incorporate the spiritual now more than ever.

Through Mr. Mills’ interviews, we meet a wide variety of scientists working across a range of disciplines, who have all incorporated their sense of spirituality into their work. Some had transformative experiences as children that set them on a quest to learn what had happened to them. Others found meditation to be a gateway to higher states of being, leading to the conclusion that there was more to consciousness than could be explained by the reductionist, materialistic model of the brain currently accepted.

Some of the interviewees were open and candid about these events as they happened. Others did not mention them for years out of fear of being ostracized, losing their position, or facing academic ridicule. However, the common thread to these stories is that it left each changed forever and fostered a strong urge to pass on their knowledge and to incorporate it into their life’s work, even if they did not advertise the underlying impetus.

Importantly, Science, Being, & Becoming makes it clear that the current arid, materialistic view of humanity, the world around us, and the universe lacks a full understanding of how consciousness works, and hinders progress. In these troubling times of discord, alienation, climate distress and more, it becomes clear through these stories that incorporating higher states of consciousness into our lives can not only help us, but may be the only way to arrive at solutions. Hopefully, this book offers all of us a roadmap toward that goal.

Meditation, Spirituality & Brain Changes with Dr. Andrew Newberg

You’ve probably heard of Dr. Andrew Newberg’s work on meditation, even if you didn’t realize it — he’s the scientist who did the ground breaking studies of Tibetan monks meditating that showed how dramatically it changed the brain . He went on to study nuns praying and Sikhs chanting and found similar brain states as those of meditation. His ground breaking work led to the development of a new field of science called “neurotheology,” which studies the relationship between the brain and religious experience.

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Delay or Reverse Aging with Qi Gong, Meditation, Yoga and More

| by Merlian News

There’s increased evidence showing that practices such as qi gong, meditation and yoga can not only prevent disease, but actually reverse it and delay aging as well. As scientists learn more about such topics as gene expression, what turns a gene on or off, and how to prevent telomeres, (the strands of protein in our cells that control aging) from unraveling, it becomes impossible to ignore just how much our good lifestyle choices can pay off.

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The Life Changes that Come with Meditation by Stephen Thomson

What happens when we begin to make meditation practice a part of our everyday lives? There are an endless number of books written on meditation techniques. What is rarely discussed or included with those instructions is what happens when a meditation practice is undertaken—when a person is truly dedicated to making meditation a part of their life.

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The Buddhist Soul in Me

| by Cheryl Shainmark

I am many things, but I am not a Buddhist. Still, every so often the secret Buddhist in my soul demands to be fed: lighting a little incense, placing a flower in a bowl like an offering, sweeping a spider out the door (instead of squishing it), or taking a day trip to the Chuang Yen Monastery in Carmel, NY.

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Becoming a Pure Channel for Spiritual Growth

People ask me all the time how they can grow more spiritually. Some of the things I have learned over the years is that becoming a pure channel for spiritual growth comes down to a lot of practice! You need to be organized and have some sort of daily routine that suits you. Structure is extremely important, especially when you first start on the path, because it gives you a firm foundation to build on.

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A Few Thoughts About Thinking

| by Cheryl Shainmark

I recently finished reading “Anathem” by Neal Stephenson, for the second time, (not something I usually do) and I was struck by an offhand observation that the young main character makes about another man who may be hundreds of years old. At one point, the old man is chanting and holds the same note for hours, (clearly some kind of re-breathing technique), and the young man ponders what it’s like to have such a different notion of time that you would want to chant the same note for hours. Then he has the insight that a mind that has done that probably has very different thoughts from a mind that hasn’t.

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Remembering We Are One World by Stephen Thomson

At the end of a period of meditation, I slowly opened my eyes and saw my friend Everett, who had passed away three years earlier, standing in front of me.  Everett seemed so present – so alive – in that moment, and his vital presence remained as I came into full consciousness. Realizing what I was seeing, I was overcome by a whole range of emotions, the most intense of these being feelings of love and joy at being once again in the presence of my beloved friend.

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The Science Is In: Meditation Affects Aging and Telomere Length

Science is all about precision, controlled studies, and measurable, repeatable results. So for years researchers resisted working on alternative practices such as meditation, dismissing the few studies done as “fuzzy science,” “subjective,” or “impossible to duplicate.” But as research methods have advanced, so has the accuracy of the latest research. There is ample evidence now that stress leads to increased risk of health problems and that meditation reduces stress. What’s new are the studies showing how stress is related to aging and telomere length.

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Mastering Life: Rosicrucian & Magical Techniques for Achieving Your Life Goals – Part Two

| by Peter Gruenewald

Spiritual symbols are images of hidden spiritual processes, conditions and forces that relate to spiritual beings such as elementary beings, hierarchies of angels or even the being of Christ. When we connect with these symbols through meditation, we effectively open ourselves and merge with those spiritual forces associated with these spiritual beings.

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