The Power Of One
Article first appeared in Prediction Magazine , New Year Issue 07, page 51
For most us, the New Year begins with a big dollop of good intentions, and long list of New Year resolutions. Very quickly, the task of ‘getting it right this year’ becomes daunting if not overwhelming as the prospect of failing to live up to these intentions and resolutions becomes more real. But what if the answer to the pledged changes at advent of each New Year lies in one principle, or in getting one thing right?
When I was an early teenager, I looked forward to a favorite class of mine where we were requested to keep a journal of inspirational stores; and had to bring in a new story each week to share with the rest of our classmates. One of the entries in my journal, which still sticks in my mind to this day, is that of the a man who used to commit a multitude of sins, against himself and others; and who came to the prophet Mohammed asking for advice on how to combat his weakness (or redeem his sins). The prophet replied that all he had to do was just one thing: not to lie. The man left dumbfounded believing this was such a simple resolution to make; and before long his life began to change.
My own understanding of that advice also included not lying to oneself; in other words, becoming aware of our true motives and intentions- and this is the first step to developing spiritual awareness. Remember the old adage, ‘you reap what you saw’? When we begin to face up to the underlying, at times egotistical, reasons and causes for either wanting or resisting a change; the boundaries that hold us back begin to dissolve as we acknowledge our fears, motives and intentions and begin to recognize the first law of Dynamics: every action has an equal reaction.
Two years ago, in an effort to combat procrastination and feeling overwhelmed due to maintaining responsibilities and the limited time available to achieve them all, my friend, Kim Brown, and I decided that we needed to do was to just get one big thing done each month. We would call each other regularly and keep each other posted with news of successfully shifting one big thing each month. The success of ‘one big thing’ a month was exhilarating, and the list of ‘things to do’ was getting shorter; that we decided last year to ‘upgrade’ the challenge to one big thing a week. And this year? You can guess what’s coming: one big thing a day!
So, start this New Year in a simple and inspirational way by making one simple resolution, whenever you feel like it, to:
get one thing right, start one new hobby, break one bad habit, visit one new country, read on one new topic, repeat one new affirmation, by yourself, one nice thing, change one negative belief get off the bus or tube one stop earlier, and walk the rest drink one (more) glass of water give one person, whom you’ve been meaning to call all year, a telephone call (or send an email) do one green thing to help our planet….
You have all year in which to get it done!
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Further info Listen to Sahar’s podcasts The Sound of Inspiration
click for inspiration on iTunes
Beyond the Future:
click for beyond the future on iTunes
Pre-order Now: Your Fortune in A Coffee Cup – The Art of Divining with Coffee Grounds . I am pleased to announce that my book, Your Fortune in A Coffee Cup – The Art of Divining with Coffee Grounds, will be out on May 15th 2007. You can now pre-order it through Amazon (UK) and Waterstones. I am hoping to make available few copies, for my clients and those who wish to purchase it before then, through my online-store; about the end of March (while stocks last).