When Things Fall Apart You Don’t Have To by Don Mordasini

Photograph by Don Mordasini

Wall Street is in protest, Job loss, housing foreclosure, family relocation, loss of savings and major disruption of families’ lives is touching everyone we know.

Why is this happening? The European Central banks need 7 trillion dollars to shore up their economies — they may not make it.

These challenges are global in dimension — yet they affect us individually. Every one of us knows someone who has suffered because of these challenges.

A blade of grass doesn’t grow or a bird falls from its nest without a Consciousness that oversees an integrated/interwoven web where the smallest to the largest occurrence in the universe is not interconnected.

When Things Fall Apart — You Don’t Have to!

The ancient oracle the Tao Te Ching states that life is like a river. It ebbs and flows, changes direction, reverses, and flows on. The oracle states, “The stiff and hard will fall…the gentle and yielding are the disciples of life.” We are called upon to be adaptable — to allow for and expect change to occur — to accept change as the natural course of life.

When Things Fall Apart — You Don’t Have to!

Why did the calamity befall eight or ten percent of us and not every one of us? Why were you spared job or house loss while your neighbor wasn’t — or the other way around?

There is a reason.

But you can’t understand it by fixating on the event itself — because everything is in flow. The event may be fixated before your eyes, and you can’t stop thinking about it but it is not static. It is as though you were on an invisible people moving belt at the airport. You are moving but the image stays fixed so you don’t realize you are in process.

And what is that process?

It is the process of your individual evolution of consciousness. Therefore you cannot understand it by fixating on the event — you also have to see it from above ego awareness. You have to see it from a higher center of awareness.

When Things Fall Apart — You Don’t Have to.

The challenge has happened to you because your soul has deemed it necessary for your growth.

Our material selves want security, happiness and love and that is as it should be. However all of these things are impermanent. We latch onto them and in time they change. We don’t remain permanently secure, permanently happy or permanently in love. That is why the Tao states …”the gentle and yielding are the disciples of life.” It means, as much as we miss the passing of the things we hold dear, we need to find a way to move on. If we don’t we suffer deeply and say stuck holding onto that which has passed.

When security, happiness or love fall away our souls encourages us to go deeper. The loss of these things reminds us of the impermanence of everything material.

It seeks for us to replace internal peace for security, joy for happinss, and unconditional love for loss of personal love. These emotional experiences arise from our soul and are permanent in nature. Our soul beckons us to find the stream of consciousness within us where these qualiteis form the bed rock of or existance.

For most of us that means having the rug pulled out from underneath our feet.

It happened to me. I was a proud, very pleased with myself — self centered stock broker earning a large six figure income twenty five years ago. One year later I was walking barefoot on the beaches of Santa Cruz hoping to land a job that paid $6.00 an hour.

I was fortunate that I had started to go within. I read Autobiography of a Yogi ,and other spiritual books and had started meditating. I was ready to search for a deeper meaning to life than fighting to be in the top ten percent of producers in my firm. But my career had a deadlocked hold on me.

One evening at the height of my career, I began to think, “Is this all there is?”

Within a few months of having that thought I was sticking my toes in the sand at the beach waiting for the phone to ring hoping that $6.00 an hour job was mine.

When Things Fall Apart — Treasures Await You!

These passages are not easy. They certainly weren’t for me. You and I are probably very similar — I had the rug pulled out from underneath my feet and landed hard.

It was worth it.

Don MordasiniNow I am at peace and feel in harmony with life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

You soul wants you to claim your birthright – the infinite levels of peace without material sustenance. Infinite love with the eternal essence of your partner, and infinite joy in every small thing you do.

Don Mordasini

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Firewalk at 600 Degrees — The Beginning of Spiritual Lessons by Don Mordasini

by Don Mordasini
Don is a practicing therapist with twenty years experience helping individuals manage the challenges of life by integrating spirituality with psychology. He has two offices, one in Campbell and one in Santa Cruz, California. Formerly a successful stockbroker he left the business world in search of meaning and practiced under many spiritual teachers until he met his guru, Shri Anandi Ma in India. His new book, Princes and Ogres, Integration of Psyche and Soul, wil lbe published November 2011.