Merlian News June 2017 Newsletter
This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:
Merryn’s Musings
Validating Your Spiritual Experience
Many years ago I, too, had what they now call an “STE,” or Spiritual Transformative Experience. Like others, I only told my mother and a few close friends at the time. In my case, I was fortunate in that it was not preceeded by an accident or life threatening illness, instead it came seemingly out of nowhere one evening. Just like a Near Death Experience, I was enveloped in light, spoke with guides, and felt the ecstatic bliss of unconditional love.
Liminal Moments
Have You Seen the Garden of 1,000 Buddhas in Montana? by Cheryl Shainmark
This video has lighted up our imaginations! Can you say road trip? Dateline NBC has captured the peaceful and sacred feeling of this wonderful site, called The Garden of a Thousand Buddhas. Located just north of Arlee, Montana, the multi-acre garden is nestled on a beautiful valley that is part of an Indian reservation for the Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Created through the visionary guidance of Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche, the Garden aligns positive properties of the physical world…
A Summer of Love by Lisa Karmen
June is the month when we energetically move from the mental curiosity and communication of the sign Gemini into the emotional safe harbor of home represented by the sign Cancer. The approaching Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th will help to shed light on the illusions in our lives and encourage us to connect with our own truth. On the same day the planet Jupiter (wisdom, expansion, ideals, vision) changes direction in the sign of Libra (balance and relationships) indicating it is time to move forward after 5 months of interpersonal lessons.
Using Qigong to Reduce Cortisol, the “Stress Hormone”
Healers have known for years that practicing qigong reduces stress and energizes the body and mind. Now multiple studies from researchers have documented the exact degree to which qigong aids in balancing cortisol, otherwise known as the “stress hormone.” Besides improving your mood, reducing cortisol levels allow your body to heal and repair itself.
Wellbeing & Healing
The Health Benefits of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Medical Marijuana has been getting a lot of press lately as more and more states pass legislation legalizing it’s use. What’s also gaining attention is the rising use of cannabinoid oil. In a recent article Dr. Mercola writes, “The cannabinoids in cannabis — cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — interact with your body by way of naturally-occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body. In fact, scientists now believe the endocannabinoid system may represent the most widespread receptor system in your body.
Website of the Month
After Paris Falls Through, States Form the US Climate Alliance
In response to the news President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the Paris climate agreement, Governor Cuomo joined California Governor Edmund G. Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee to announce the United States Climate Alliance, a coalition that will convene states committed to taking aggressive action on climate change. There is a growing consensus among state leadership that if Washington will not act on climate then the states must.
Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor