The Formula for Creating Heaven on Earth
The Formula for Creating Heaven on Earth : One of our favorite websites is , a resource and educational site for Near Death Experiences. The founder and President, David Sunfellow, has developed a method for using the knowledge gained from these events to transform our lives. “The Formula” is an attempt to identify the universal truths presented by near-death experiences and wrestle them into “a formula” that we can use to transform our lives. Click here to learn more about The Formula .
David Sunfellow writes, “Unlike spiritual paths that arose from the ideas and inner experiences of lone, isolated human beings, the path presented by near-death experiences is emerging as a direct, grassroots revelation that millions of people from all over the world are receiving and sharing. If we explore this newly emerging path deeply enough, we discover that all religions, philosophies, and cultures are honored; that science and spirituality are celebrated; that both the human and spiritual side of our natures are cherished and embraced. In short, near-death experiences present us with a universal, all-inclusive, perfectly integrated spiritual path that revolves around three core truths: 1. We are all one; 2. Love is the essence of life; 3. We are here, in this world, to become perfect embodiments of the divine.”