Watch 5 Planets Align this Month

AlignmentIf you cast your eye to the west and the setting sun this month, it is possible to see the alignment of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Start your quest around dusk, as the various planets slip into view one by one.  Don’t get fooled though – one of those shining beacons is likely to be the bright star, Antares, so you might want to consult a chart. The view culminates on August 27th, when Jupiter and Venus, the most visible of the planets, align.

If you follow astrology, then you know this has been a wild spring, also with five planets coming in and out of retrograde since January. In this case, the cast of characters is slightly different, with Pluto subbing in for Venus in the retrograde show. It has been a strange time of turbulence and miscommunication, (just look at the political and global scene), best gotten through by taking the time for quiet and inner reflection. But take heart now, because August sees us coming out of retrograde and moving forward.

On Monday August 15th the Astrology and Wellness Lecture series with Lisa Karmen, at Tournesol in New York City, will explore the theme of renewal and sacrifice as the long period of internal reflective retrograde planetary energy begins to shift.

by Cheryl Shainmark