Involuntary Simplicity: Spontaneous Evolution From the Inside Out
Announcing a new online salon series: “Involuntary Simplicity: Spontaneous Evolution From the Inside Out”
Our host Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda) will be engaging in brilliant conversations with Bruce Lipton, Michael Dowd, Charles Eisenstein, Richard Flyer and Dr David Gruder.
At a time when so many individuals are facing challenges, financial and otherwise, people are seeking practical optimism. They want to feel better in the short run, AND have ways to transform the crises they are facing into opportunities that propel them toward a new level of growth.
In this entertaining, inspiring and provocative online series, host Steve Bhaerman (the slightly more serious alter ego of cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda, and co-author with Bruce Lipton of the breakthrough book Spontaneous Evolution) brings five leading-edge evolutionaries together to discuss how to simply and practically navigate these transformational times.
More than 30 years ago, Duane Elgin wrote a book called Voluntary Simplicity. That was then. Nowadays, evolutionary emergence is bursting through every structure in society, calling forth new ways of being and living. At a time when many individuals are suffering from “complexes,” Involuntary Simplicity offers simple truths to contextualize the sometimes overwhelming complexity.
In Session 1, Steve and his wife and “co-heart” Trudy frankly share their own evolutionary journey — where they drastically downscaled their footprint, and upscaled their life. After leaving their beautiful home of 12 years in what they call “triumphant surrender,” they experienced wave after wave of amazing grace as they let go of what was no longer needed, and received all they required to thrive.
In Session 2, Steve is joined by his Spontaneous Evolution co-author Bruce Lipton (author of Biology of Belief) as they discuss what science has to say about our current evolutionary stage, and the simple truths that will guide us through this passage.
In Session 3, Michael Dowd, evangelical minister and author of Thank God for Evolution, offers a truly integral view of spirituality that includes and transcends both religion and non-religion — exactly what is needed to overgrow the current divide between science and spirituality.
Then, in Session 4, Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics, offers us a glimpse of the economics of the future — and how it is already being lived in the present. What are the simple laws of a truly-generative economics? Tune in and find out!
In Session 5, Steve is joined by Richard Flyer, founder of the Conscious Community Network and Connecting the Good, both in Reno, Nevada. As a volunteer community activist, Richard has developed systems for non-confrontational discourse that has helped his community “weave a web of mass-construction.”
In the finale, Session 6, David Gruder, author of Integrity IQ, will outline some simple guidelines for living in integrity in an evolving world.
Each session will be a lively, interactive dialogue between Steve and the guest … and there will be ample opportunity for questions … and answers! By the end of this series, you will see how the emerging evolution is impacting your life, your world, your relationships, your work … AND you will have both the context and the tools to turn crisis into opportunity. And, you will be entertained. You’ll laugh while you learn, and learn while you laugh.